YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED FOR: Our Vestry and Clergy- our brother, Joseph, Julian Christopher Buuck, Stephen, Sandie Jordan, Joyce McClellan, Christopher Anglin, Lynn, Charles Lutes, Gerald Delaunay, Mary McIntosh, Lisa Bordelon, Maggie Patin, Billy Hall, Hazel, Marvin, Mary Fay Freshley, Michael Reed, Nicholas Blonski, Margret DeLarue, Catherine Elizabeth, Alison Higginbotham, Renee Reina, Dr Kerri Remmel, Rebecca Jayne, James Alan Vaughn, Sawyer Billeaud, Maddox, Louise Haddock, Father Gary Schexnayder, Miller, Nagham El Karhili, Kasey, Jack Larmier, David, Carlin Craig, Kasey, Sharon, Kristen, John Bateman, Arthur White, Lou Ann St. Julien, Sterling Lejeune, Sylvia Turner, Roxanne Myers, Andrew D., Mary Beth Tompkins, Donald Shaffer, Jack Seale, Noelle Freeland, Bart Freeland, Donna Hebert, Jim, Lazane Frost, Molly Zeringue, Jeanne Zeringue, Kevin Barry, Jan and Charles, Dusty Nassif, Miller King, Pat Fontenot, Paige, Alex Martin, Alicia, Maggie Johnson, Karen Anderson, Aimee White, Marion, Betsy Vigorito, Albert Freeman, Becky Slagle, Alyssa Willson, Janet Limouze, Joe and Christina, Albert Davis, Susan Oglesbee, Ann Jacobs, David Snyder, Janet Bernhardt, Morgan Rutledge, Jan Hamilton, Reese Forest, Fiona Chisholm, Peezie Alfred, Eddie and Rebecca LeBlanc, Brooks Citron, Mary Connor, Wendy Ortego, Karen Lavalais, David, Connor, Mona Stagg, Lillie Hardy, Susan Davis, Nash, Perry Joseph, Gail White, Katrina Marlena McKinnis, Nicole Wynn, Richard Bessent, Tron Thomas, Randy Harelson, Ronnie and Larry Garric, Marianna Cooney, Pat, Sherrye, Courtney, Judy, Sasha, Kelly and Dave Domangue, Troy LeBouef, Kory Bowman, Ashlynn Broussard, Finn, Caroline and Eddie, John Michael, Lizzie, Mary Domingue, Beau Domingue, Courtney and family, Harry Bruder, Rick Onks, Lynette Newchurch, Neil Joseph, The family of Sr. Cpl. Segus Jolivette, Janice Batton, Jane Cecil, Chris Silva, Agnes Capello, Pam Michael, Kimet Coldiron, Randy Morgan, Rachelle Morgan, Carolyn Barker, Danielle, Alexis, Jon, Ashley, Eddie, Caroline, Finn, Hannah Murphy, Natalie Hesterly, Mac, Francis LeBlanc, Karen Cox, Joe and Amy, Dirn Berger, Claire, Donald Leger, Freda Keller, Jillian Schossberg, Beau Soulier, Kathleen David, Ed Keller, William Keller, Gili Menashe Robinson, Kate and Mark, Jo and Lee Cox, Donny, Elliot, friends and family serving in the armed services. (Names stay on the prayers list for three weeks unless otherwise requested.)