Baptism and Youth Confirmation at Ascension

Do you have a child in need of baptism or confirmation at Ascension? We’d love to talk with you! Baptisms take place several times a year: All Saints (this year, Nov. 6), Baptism of our Lord (Jan. 8, 2023), the Sunday after Easter (Apr. 16), and Pentecost (May 28).  At baptism, parents make a vow before God to “be responsible for seeing that the child you present is brought up in the Christian faith and life” (BCP, 302).  That’s why baptism is for active members at Ascension Church or those in process of becoming so: it’s the door into the life of faith, the body of Christ, the community of disciples following Jesus together.

We ask parents to take one baptismal prep class prior to the baptism, in which we walk through what baptism means from Scripture and church tradition and how to live into the baptismal vows we make.  If you are interested in scheduling a baptism, simply inquire with Fr. Jordan.  It’s one of the most joyful things we do here, and he would love to speak with you.

Confirmation for youth is meant to “confirm” the vows made on our behalf at baptism, so that young people are now able to make those vows for themselves.  To help them do that, the church has always offered confirmation classes.  At Ascension, the age of confirmation is 12 and up by spring (or 6th grade and higher).  We will begin offering weekly confirmation classes in mid-January on Sunday mornings, led by Fr. Jordan.  Classes will run for approximately 12 sessions and include an opportunity for confirmands to plan their own service project.  Confirmation will take place in late spring, when Bp. Owensby makes his annual visit.  Please let Fr. Jordan know if you have a child who will be enrolling in confirmation classes, or if you have any questions.

We’re a community of disciples making disciples of Jesus, and raising up our young people to know and follow the Lord is one of the most important things we do.  Thank you for raising your children to know Christ with us at Ascension!

P.S.–If you are all grown up and seek to become a confirmed member of this church, we have classes for you too!  Each year in the spring, before the bishop’s visit, we will have one weekend seminar (Friday evening and Sat. morning) to talk through the basics of the Christian faith and life as this church has received them.  Confirmation (or reception) is required to serve on vestry, vote at annual meeting, and for certain other offices.  Let Fr. Jordan know if you would like to sign up.